With 45 years of experience as a builder Richard Woodhouse of West Coast project management can be of great value to HOAs in handling construction related issues. Identifying problems, knowing how to fix them, and assessing what is an appropriate cost is quickly quantified.

Forty-five years of dealing with contractors equips Richard with the knowledge and skills to properly manage any construction related project.

From repairs, to major improvements and new construction, your HOA will have a knowledgeable expert on your side.

Client Feedback

{Thank you very much for partnering with us and jumping in right away to get these projects going.
HOA Board Member, Richmond
{In response to a complex remodel situation regarding my home in Belvedere, I hired Richard to act as an Owner’s Project Manager to oversee the contractor. Ultimately, I asked Richard to take over the general contractors’s job. Not only did he work through the complexities of the construction, he actually improved the entire project. Doing construction work in Southern Marin can have numerous challenges, Richard was very effective in dealing with all of them.
William, Belvedere
{ With Richard’s help and under his supervision we were able to hire a crew to finish framing and streamline the process of subcontracting for the interior work. Additionally, he gave us guidance on structural issues, framing, and waterproofing. Without doubt, Richard’s role in getting our project back on track can not be overstated. He even helped us to restore our faith in the profession.
WCPM Client
{Richard, Thank you for everything you did and for the extra hours you put in to make everything just right. 
Sue, Belvedere
{The directions, wisdom and know-how you’ve provided has already financially saved us well beyond your “added expense,” so I sure hope you are good to stay aboard the ship.
Kirk, Mendocino
{As we wind down, I must say that it has been a pleasure to work with you. You are detailed and precise (as I am, for better or worse) and very efficient. I would be happy to serve as a reference.
Scott, Belvedere

about richard wodehouse

My role as the Owner’s Project Manager’s is to provide guidance and information to eliminate uncertainties, and ensure the owner’s best interests are at the heart of every decision made.




PO BOX 211,




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